Monday, February 23, 2009

I'll elaborate later

What do you do when you feel like people can't keep up with you? How do you curb your expectations?

In happier news, it's nice to log in and see this:

Current Program
Doctor of Philosophy
Level: Graduate
Program: PhD in Liberal Arts & Sciences
Catalog Term: Fall 2009
College: Liberal Arts & Sciences
Campus: Main Campus
Major and Department: English, English

Friday, February 20, 2009

Prison Break (Not-the-awful-tv show version)

Clarity. Transparency. Absolution.

In my life, all of those words (independent or combined) carry a hell of a lot more weight than simply getting what you want. The unfortunate part about this life is that there are times when your personal growth and all the absolutions that are required in order to progress are often contingent upon another individual. Sometimes even when we find ourselves so immersed and enthralled with another human, we never stop to question if we trust them enough to give us what we need at any given moment. Are they strong enough to tell us what we need to know - not what we want to hear? I'm sure you know a lot of people you can trust to answer a distressed call, but how many will never show up on the side of the road with a can of fix-a-flat when you really need a whole new tire?

And because I can't be completely deep and serious all the time - enjoy some Chi City:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Growing pains

I created this blog with the intention of devoting its entries to my academic research and political interests. Despite what the majority of this blog would indicate, I am actually very socially aware and even more willing to write about various socio-political issues. For whatever reason, though, every time I sit down to blog I can't seem to wrangle my thoughts - I've even tried notes and outlines but to no avail.

I'm almost certain that the reason for all of this has to do with the intense personal growth I have experienced in the last year of my life. I realized in the last couple weeks that I have done everything but truly acknowledge just how much my world has shifted beneath me - and the only way I am going to fully embrace change is to pull everything into the foreground.

Sometimes I lament the person that I used to be. Part of me wants to believe that we never shed skin completely and that we always have the potential to revisit any portion of a past persona. Whether or not we're able to make the conscious decision to recycle ourselves is something that I still ponder. And yet, there are times when I think that the reasons I want to go back are rooted in escapism. There is a fear that looms - that with every footstep ahead the ground becomes softer, the atmosphere is dense with fog and it'll be many hours before the sun rises again. I feel as if someone swept me off of my feet on a lovely date - a beautiful day of bliss - and then drove me to the middle of nowhere, pushed me out of the car and left me to find my way home. Suffice to say, it's a lonely feeling.

But the sort of, "meta-feeling" involved in all of this is that with the new (arguably improved) me, comes an annoying re-vamped realism - one that borrows from all half-full containers. Almost every aspect of my self-destructive nature has dissipated. I have learned to dust myself off like a champion, and stand up to fears that would've crippled me as little as a year ago. That may sound like sunshine and rainbows, but I assure you there's a catch. There's always a catch.

I still want to be weak. I still long for the escapism I used to be so good at - it was something I had perfected. It was the best defense mechanism and a damn fine survival tactic. If it hurts - run - far, far away until you make new memories that put old ones to shame. Re-define, restructure, recover. I've been running for as long as I can remember and because of it, I have never had time to actually grow. My person has never evolved because I kept forcing myself back to square one. Outward chaos was peaceful inside - and now for the sake of learning to accept and endure all of the hurdles, I suffer an internal hurricane while heading into the biggest endeavor of my life.

I hear the words "Be patient" echoing in my brain whenever I think about taking a step back. Patience is one of the hardest behaviors to harness for me - I'm a person who has always lived for the moment and inherently yearns for instant gratification. I'm not selfish, but I am assertive and I've had a rather consistent history of getting what I want, when I want it. Humility is very new to me - and I really don't like admitting that. What I do like is how human I feel whenever I realize that I'm genuinely humbled. I tell myself that with every day, there is an opportunity for improvement. If we want to be better, we have the capacity to do so.

I've come a long way in the last year, and I'm tired. I'm exhausted, but I think I've finally had the first glimpse of what I want out of life and I have no problem taking small, careful steps to realize it.